Edin Karamazov, guitarist and lutenist from Bosnia and Herzegovina. He became the world-known artist especially thanks to the project of Dowland’s works Songs from the Labyrinth, in which is he accompanying famous Sting on the lute. This project meant for Sting the first step into the classical music and they both proved that you can present renaissance music without any shame also to pop-music fans.
At the closing concert of 44th Guitar Festival of J. K. Mertz will Edin Karamazov perform works of baroque genius J. S. Bach and extraordinary personalities of present – one and only Cuban composer, conductor and guitarist Leo Brouwer and our Slovak but also world-wide composer Vlado Godár.
On concert will perform also Slovak top-level artists – singer Petra Noskaiová and string Mucha Quartet.
Tickets: 10€ / 7€ (ISIC, ITIC, seniors over 65 y.) / 1€ (handicapped)
SEASON TICKET for all festival concerts (June 9-22): 55€ / 38€ (ISIC, ITIC, seniors over 65 y.)
Tickets are available via and at the place one hour before the concert.