Sunday, 9 June, 2019 - 19:00
Pálffy Palace, Zámocká street

Jiří Tichota is well-known in Czechoslovak region as one of founders of ensemble Spirituál Kvintet but just some people know him as knowledgeable musicologist, concerned with early music, especially for lute.

On this special night he will share with us some interesting stories and discoveries from his research.

Bohemian Lute Orchestra is formed by lutenists and early-music lovers from all Czech, Moravia but also from Slovakia. All of them are members of new-grounded Czech Lute Society, which aims to connect all ancient plucking string instruments players not only from Czech but from whole Central Europe and to present early music by concerts and modern editions of rare historical manuscripts from this area.

On the programme will be melodies „good old days“ by authors such as P. Attaignant, J. Dowland, T. Susato, Jacobides, M. Praetorius, some of them also with Czech lyrics from arrangements of Spirituál Kvintet performed by one of its present singer Pavel Peroutka. All this will be under artistic leading of Jan Čižmář.

The concert is taking place in co-operation with Czech Lute Society.

Czech Lute Society


Tickets: 5€ / 3€ (ISIC, ITIC, seniors over 65 y.) / 1€ (handicapped)

SEASON TICKET for all festival concerts (June 9-22): 55€ / 38€ (ISIC, ITIC, seniors over 65 y.)


Tickets are available via and at the place one hour before the concert.


To find on the map: Pálffy Palace on Zámocká street